MonaLisa Touch®
Aging and lower estrogen levels in women are often associated with symptoms such as vaginal dryness, itching, and pain during intercourse. If these sound familiar to you, don’t worry, there is help available! A non-invasive and painless solution can be found here at Grace Gynecology in Rockwall TX. Dr. Shisler, along with our experienced women’s health care team offer the revolutionary MonaLisa Touch® vaginal rejuvenation treatment to restore your quality of life.
What Is MonaLisa Touch®?
The MonaLisa Touch® is a medical laser system that uses controlled thermal energy to improve vaginal tissue. When administered, the heat from this laser penetrates below the surface of your skin to help regenerate and restore your vagina while promoting new collagen growth. This entire process is done non-invasively and can offer excellent long-term results.

What Symptoms Does This Treatment Address?
This treatment can effectively reduce or eliminate vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, incontinence, and more. Along with that, it can also reduce pain during intercourse, allowing you to get the most out of your love life. Best of all, the treatment procedure isn’t painful, but you might feel a sensation of light vibration during the procedure. There’s no surgery, cutting, needles, or downtime with this procedure.
How Does It Work?
Prior to your vaginal laser treatment with MonaLisa Touch®, we will review your medical history and symptoms to determine if this system is the best choice. We may want to review lab or imaging tests to rule out medical problems linked with your symptoms.
During the procedure itself, which often lasts just five minutes, the device will deliver the device’s fractional energy into vaginal tissues. Doing so will enhance collagen production and encourage vaginal tightening to achieve rejuvenation.
What Results Can I Expect?
Following your treatment, you can resume normal everyday activities as there’s no downtime needed. However, we recommend avoiding sex and other vigorous physical activities for 1-2 days. We usually recommend a series of 1-3 treatments spaced 40-60 days apart with annual maintenance sessions to achieve the desired outcome.
At your free, no-obligation consultation, we will work together to determine the right course of treatment for you.
Contact Grace Gynecology for MonaLisa Touch® in Rockwall, TX
At Grace Gynecology, we have a team of professional, caring women who understand the challenges women face. If you struggle with vaginal concerns, we can provide you with effective relief. To get started, give us a call at (469) 769-1961.